Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Two Days in a Row

I was more prepared this morning for my date with the treadmill. My sneakers were by the bed, my full water bottle was on the nightstand, and my iPhone was charged. I had not slept well and was awake at 4am, but couldn't pull myself out of bed until after 5. I did a short warm up pace and then increased the speed and incline. It felt good to be doing something after doing nothing for so long. I did my best to keep my mind occupied and not focus on the time. I noticed that when I sang along to the music with the earpieces in, my voice was a thing of beauty. I spent some time admiring myself, ignoring the fact that in reality I was off-key and probably waking up the feral cats in the neighborhood. Just as I was starting to become a little bored, Eminem's Lose Yourself kicked in and I took off with visions of Rocky running up those steps. I pumped my fist in the air to the beat and even picked up the pace enough to jog for about 20 seconds. Let's face it, I haven't ran since being chased by a killer in a dream about 4 years ago. My cooldown was accompanied by Karen Carpenter with her soothing voice and when it was over, I had lasted 30 minutes and felt great.

So, I have some thoughts on goals. I would love to look in the mirror and not see two separate stomachs. I don't know when this happened but I now have a separate upper stomach, a curve inward, then a lower stomach. I find this to be repulsive. One stomach is enough and I prefer that it not stick out so far.

There are some days when it seems my butt enters a room about 2 minutes after my stomach does. I would like to decrease that span of time by reducing the size of my butt, resulting in more efficient room entering and exiting.

I have some other goals related to increased energy level, lower blood pressure, and day to day enjoyment of life. But that's for another day. Today I moved and that's another win.

1 comment:

  1. Anything for today yet? Your Blog is really inspiring me! :o)
