Friday, January 8, 2010

New Jersey State of Mind

The old lady and I were to drive to Hoboken today. Niece #1 bought her tickets to Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. As niece #1 lives in Hoboken I made a reservation at the W hotel. So first thing this morning I checked on the old lady and found she had a wound on her ankle. These are occurring more frequently and often turn into a nasty infection. Strike 1.

The old lady then spent a great deal of time in the bathroom suffering from a severe GI issue. Strike 2. She emerged from the bathroom in tears over her situation and wishing someone would shoot her. Strike 3.

I thought of cancelling but didn't want to let my niece down. The thought of some alone time at the W was quite appealing, but the 4 hour drive to NJ was not. Unlike in my younger days, a road trip was not, especially by myself. Why? Silly fear. I had a fear of getting lost even though I have 2 cell phones and a car navigation system.

I decided I would drive through my fear but I needed to make sure the old lady would be in good hands. Fortunately a friend who adores the old lady and the cats would make this trip possible. I ran around getting the old lady's meds in order, packing, arranging for agency help to start up next week, and freshening up the litter boxes. I jumped in my car and hit the road. With less than 1/4 tank of gas. And due for an oil change. I took care of the gas issue but the oil change would have to wait. I got on the Mass Pike before the Friday afternoon traffic had started. I was relieved to see my car's intended route matched my niece's directions. I always feel better with a second opinion. I sang along to the radio, enjoyed strawberry Greek yogurt I grabbed on my way out the door, and patted myself on the back for not letting the long drive keep me home.

I made it to the hotel in 1 piece and had a nice dinner with niece #1 and her man. Now I'm lying in bed desperate for some sleep. Oh, did I mention I was awake at 3am today? This madness has to stop.

Exercise? No, I haven't forgotten about that. I plan to do a lot of walking tomorrow. I'll also consider some situps in the morning. Right now I want to savor my night without responsibilities. But I'm still anxious about the old lady. I'll try to let that go and get in a full sleep. Tomorrow I'll move.

1 comment:

  1. Hoboken is where my Hubby is from, ya know ;o)... His family is still there. I am not all that great with roads and all that, but he would be.. and besides Lauren would always be helpful for you if you sidetracked in any way. Enjoy your stay, it goes by fast!
