Thursday, March 4, 2010

I Feel Great!

I wish I had been documenting the research I've been doing on food more frequently, as there is so much to share and remember.  Making the time to sit and write proves to be challenging but I have a great update to give today.  It has been a couple of weeks since I quit eating meat.  I was telling a friend today that my newly healthy eating came about so easily once I placed the focus on animals and the environment.  I find it a bit amusing that this is something I wouldn't do for just me, for my own health.  Years of nagging myself to be more healthy and to lose weight didn't work, but put the focus on a cow or a chicken and I'm completely dedicated.  Why is it that I place more importance on a cow's life than my own?  I'm very happy that I'm reaping the benefits of changes I've made in the name of the cow and the chicken, but I realize it is a bit ass backwards. Whatever works.

So, as the title of this post states, I feel great!  I have been eating foods I have not tried until now.  I'm finding ways to be creative with my vegetarian choices and putting a lot of effort into my food shopping.  As much as possible, I 'm choosing organic and local foods.  I am no longer buying foods that have been shipped in from outside the country and will just have to wait until that food is available in the US.  Although I dearly miss my avocados, the thought of how much energy it takes to ship them here would cloud any happiness I might experience while eating them.  Please California, please send me avocados.  And yes, I realize that it takes quite a bit of energy to ship my friends from CA to MA, but my line in the sand is our country borders, and I have yet to see an avocado grown in New England.  If you find one, please let me know.

Back to feeling great.  My body is changing as some of my winter blubber is disappearing.  This is perfect timing as Spring is right around the corner and I won't be able to hide under sweaters for too much longer.  And when I say winter blubber, I am referring to the blubber I put on 10 winters ago, but who cares at this point.  I have found that I have more energy and my mind is more active.  I have noticed a shift from being under a cloud to now having my head above it and my brain is more engaged.  I'm still not getting a lot of sleep, but I believe I am sleeping better during those few hours, with less episodes of waking before the alarm.  I dare to say I am generally more happy/pleasant throughout the day.  All in all, I'm very happy with how I feel, and knowing I'm taking a stand for the cows and chickens.

I'll cover my research into eggs and the hens that lay them in my next post.  Spoiler alert: cage free eggs do not mean there are happy hens in the picture.  Until then my friends, eat and be merry.

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